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Trees and Trains – The Green Trees and Norfolk Southern Partnership

April 8, 2020|Chandler Van Voorhis

Underscoring its leadership in “conservation capitalism” — the growing understanding that environmental progress and American business are closely linked — Norfolk Southern signed a $5.6 million, five-year reforestation and carbon sequestration agreement with GreenTrees LLC and planted a ceremonial first tree at the Rick Lowery Farm here today.

Under the program, NS and GreenTrees® will plant 6.04 million trees on 10,000 acres in the Mississippi Delta area served by the railroad, significantly offsetting the company’s CO2 emissions while creating a national environmental legacy.

GreenTrees is the leading reforestation program on private lands in the United States today. Recognized as one of the most innovative developments in the fight to revitalize the nation’s ecological health, GreenTrees is at the cutting edge of the new industrial revolution – making conservation a business.


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About the author

Chandler Van Voorhis is a leading expert in conservation and ecological markets, with experience including a TEDx Talk, guest lectures at Princeton and Yale, and several publications on natural capital. Before co-founding C2I, he co-hosted the nationally syndicated GreenWave Radio show. He received the ChevronTexaco Conservation Award in 2002 and served as President of the Alliance for Environmental Education. Currently, he serves on advisory boards for IETA Natural Climate Solutions and RenewWest and is a member of the Outdoor Writers Association of America.

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